Pfizer is the world’s leading pharmaceutical company.
Art for Hotels ✦ Hospitality Art ✦ Artist for Interior Design | Pfizer

Large mural for Pfizer’s headquarters in Madrid

On the occasion of the visit to Spain of Pfizer’s global Vice-President, the management team at the Madrid headquarters prepared a series of actions and events.
As part of the actions prepared for this visit, I was commissioned to create a large mural of almost five metres showing the differentiating characteristics, values and strengths of the Spanish headquarters of the multinational, a mural that, in short, would express the “DNA” of Pfizer Spain.
Art for Hotels ✦ Hospitality Art ✦ Artist for Interior Design | Pfizer

At the centre of this composition is Pfizer’s new A3 plant in Madrid, as a symbol of the future and innovation of the Iberian branch of the multinational. From this element, the different concepts that make up the mural extend across the entire canvas, all of them linked by DNA helixes (the element that symbolises Pfizer, omnipresent in its branding and even in the brand’s logo).

A two-level hierarchy makes up this composition: at the main level, the A3 headquarters in Madrid linked to the concepts of passion and patients (the two fundamental aspects that drive Pfizer’s employees), and in the centre, the concept of “thinking big”, which expresses the desire to innovate, move forward and go further. The second level of the hierarchy shows the rest of the concepts that form part of the values and characteristics of the laboratory.

Art for Hotels ✦ Hospitality Art ✦ Artist for Interior Design | Pfizer


Mi inspiración para el estilo visual de este mural nace en Picasso, uno de los artistas más representativos de la historia de España y un personaje de cuya muerte se cumple este año 2023 el 50º aniversario, siendo por lo tanto este un año en el que se le rinde homenaje de diversas maneras.
Este estilo “Picassiano” forma un hilo conductor visual a través del cual se expresan los diferentes conceptos que Pfizer España quiere mostrar en esta composición. Los personajes toman vida a través de las formas suaves y curvadas de un estilo que exhala expresividad, viveza, cercanía y pasión, una pasión que define la cultura mediterrránea y que, unida a los valores asociados a Pfizer, completa este crisol cultural, corporativo y artístico.

Este proyecto ha sido realizado como colaborador de

Art for Hotels ✦ Hospitality Art ✦ Artist for Interior Design | Pfizer
Art for Hotels ✦ Hospitality Art ✦ Artist for Interior Design | Pfizer
Art for Hotels ✦ Hospitality Art ✦ Artist for Interior Design | Pfizer