Grapefruit Island

He tenido el privilegio de que el NFT Sky Bar, un exclusivo local situado en la terraza del hotel de cuatro estrellas nhow Frankfurt, me encargara un proyecto de diseño único. Este bar nocturno, que se eleva sobre la ciudad, tiene el honor de ser el local más alto de Frankfurt, un centro de la vida cultural de la ciudad en el que se celebran eventos de música electrónica y en directo desde su inauguración.

Artista especializado en arte para hoteles e interiorismo | FRANKFURT NFT SKY BAR > ART FOR NFT EVENTS
Artista especializado en arte para hoteles e interiorismo | FRANKFURT NFT SKY BAR > ART FOR NFT EVENTS
Artista especializado en arte para hoteles e interiorismo | FRANKFURT NFT SKY BAR > ART FOR NFT EVENTS
Artista especializado en arte para hoteles e interiorismo | FRANKFURT NFT SKY BAR > ART FOR NFT EVENTS

As part of NFT Sky Bar’s commitment to art, I was invited to create a second collection of Non Fungible Tokens, following the success of the first collection, Metartverse, in 2022 (a collection of 30 NFTs that sold out in just 90 minutes). This time, I was inspired by the new addition to the bar’s cocktail menu, the Pink Spritz, a vibrant grapefruit-based concoction.

My creation, ‘Grapefruit Island’, is an animated piece inspired by the tranquillity, joy and lightness of summer. In this work, the grapefruit fruit comes to life, transforming itself into the heart of a fantastic amusement park brimming with fantasy and sensations.

My visual style for this work is influenced by digital creators in the field of 3D art, a field in which a trend has developed over the last decade based on serene compositions in which selected elements exhibit continuous and harmonious movement within static graphics.

In ‘Grapefruit Island’, I tried to capture the tranquillity, serenity and balance that we tend to associate with the languid pace of summer days and the relaxing respite of holidays. The aim was to evoke the placidity of sunny days through a sensory and dreamlike experience full of nuance and colour.

The collection consists of 3 NFTs, three versions of a single creativity. The entire collection was sold out within 24 hours of its launch.

Artista especializado en arte para hoteles e interiorismo | FRANKFURT NFT SKY BAR > ART FOR NFT EVENTS
Artista especializado en arte para hoteles e interiorismo | FRANKFURT NFT SKY BAR > ART FOR NFT EVENTS
Artista especializado en arte para hoteles e interiorismo | FRANKFURT NFT SKY BAR > ART FOR NFT EVENTS

NH Hotels proposed me to create a series of 3 NFTs inspired by each of the 10 cocktails on the NFT Sky Bar menu. From this idea, I came up with the concept ‘Metartverso’:


‘This project is called ‘Metartverse’, not Metaverse, because the concept behind it is not the metaverse as we know it, or as the media usually tries to make us perceive it. I have hacked the word Metaverse and turned it into a Metartverse, an art-centred Metaverse.

This NFT project introduces this new concept of an art-filled metaverse with the aim of humanising and beautifying virtual space, to create an organic metaverse that is diverse, colourful, original and genuine.

To experience this proposed art-filled virtual world you just have to shake off your preconceptions about the metaverse and be open to discovering new conceptions of it. I have created 10 unique spaces that have no correlation with each other in terms of style, colour and technique, but together they build an eclectic metaverse of animated art. An organic metaverse that has a life and personality of its own, as opposed to corporate experiences.’

*The collection was sold on Monday 28th November through the exclusive platform Enefty, which collaborated with NH Hotel Group in this project as a technological partner.