If you have followed my artwork, you will already know I am not that kind of “AI Artist” that uses to recreate famous people in funny ways. I actually hate that indeed and personally consider is not art.

So please, udnerstand this project doesn’t have anything to do with that trend. Let me explain the aim and meaning behind this project, in brief:

Perhaps is something generational, perhaps is something that has to do wih my taste and personality, but I have alaways been fascinated by the generation of female Pop Stars that raised at the end of the 2000s decade. They followed the path that Madonna started in the 80s and Britney Spears continued on the late 90s and beginning of the 2000s. This generation of Pop Stars are already part of popular culture history, they helped , before Social Media took over the world, to enhance a new vision of women as powerful, liberated and not sumised to men individuals.

They used “sexualized idealizations” to gain popularity? perhaps, but in a way no others had done before. Sexualization has no to be bad itself, it depends how you use it.

Though I don’t like how these stars have evolved in recent years, both as artists and humans, I still keep something of era inside of me, and this project is an tribute to that time, that era, that popular culture revolution.

This project converts my favourite stars of that era on japanese Geishas, as part of my wider Geisha artwork, that, through several art projects, is trying to reshape the historical figure of the Geisha, linked as a symbol of the sumission of women to men by creayting a new liberated, powerful and free figure of the Geisha.

I try to destroy that historical conception of the japanse Geisha and reconvert it on the oppossite.

*This project has been created in a 50% IA and 50% Photoshop and Illustrator